Sunday 13 February 2011

Summarise the ways in which technological convergence benefits and damages the music industry

Benefits to technological convergence
Technology has come a long way since say the 60s where people would play music on vinyl records and tape players. Since then the audience feels a lot closer to the artist than they did back then.

1. For instance artists now have bloggs. This allows them to post what they are doing in their social life so that we can all feel as if we know them as a friend of ours.

2. It is a lot easier now to download songs and without paying any money! This is a lot easier for the artist to distribute their music. This allows them to be heard more not just here but all over the world. Offers free distribution - digital music does not need to be physically copied, packaged or transported.

3. Youtube allows artists to post their music videos online. This is a way for the audience to listen and watch their songs for free, rather than waiting for the specific video to come on the TV. Depending how mainstream the artist is, sometimes they film themselves singing a cover of a song in a bedroom or something. This like any other professional video can be seen by anyone. When receiving lots of hits the artists becomes more well known and can receive a lot more offers from people.

4. Now a days you can buy tickets for gigs that are labelled 'meet and greet tickets'. This allows the audience to get a chance to actually meet the artitst! This is an opportunity to ask any questions that you would like etc.

5. Shows such as X factor and Britains Got Talent allows artists to get into the music industry the easy way. This allows anyone to be heard and quite a few get famous from it.

Disadvantages to technological convergence
1. The bloggs that the artists have, quite commonly aren't their own posts. The artists hire their own personal blogger. This is very misleading for the audience as they believe they are talking to the artist personally but they are not.

2. Yes it is a lot easier to download songs illegally but this means that both the artist and the record label aren't receiving as much money as they would from the purchase of CDs. CDs are becoming very unpopular now as they are being classed as expensive. This is compared to the free illegal downloads on the internet.

3. Artists are very much depending on youtube as their way of being heard. This makes it very hard for artists now as there is so much competition. There are so many people that use youtube now in a way of hoping to be heard that it makes it very hard for individuals to be seen.

4. There is a risk of unsocialable behaviour towards to artist.

5. There is a risk that some rubbish artists get threw and some very talented people are getting kicked back.

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