Monday 14 February 2011

Domino Records

1.      What differences do you notice between Domino and Universal in terms of artists and genres?
Domino Records are for more niche artists. They are more into their music than getting money. Many of their artists are not well known.
2.           a)  How would you describe Domino’s target audience(s)?
It is very much for artists who are not well known. I would say that the target audience is between 18 - 35. The artists seem fairly indie/rock.
b) How does the label address and appeal to its audience?
Domino records sell tickets and merchandise. This appeals to the audience as it gives them a chance to buy things that maybe they wouldn't be able to else where.
It allows you to listen and watch the music for free.

3        a) Have you heard of any artists on their roster? Which ones?
            The only artists I have heard of are Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand.
b) Why do you think a high profile artist might sign to Domino?
They may get more attention than the other bands as they are not well known. To gain wider publishing.

4. Find out about the Archie Bronson Outfit, a group signed to Domino. What strategies is the label using to promote and distribute their music?

5. How has convergence affected the label?
Because Domino is an independant label they allow artists to have more of their own freedom. This means that they do not receive as much money as major record labels therefore any sort of recession would affect the label. Technological convergence really does affect Domino as far more people are downloading music illegal - not paying any money at all rather than buying the CDs. This affects the money that Domino would receive.

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