Friday 18 February 2011

'The online revolution has proved as damaging to independent labels as to multinational companies'

Independant labels such as Domino are known as being a more traditional label in that they follow the horizontal integration structure. It uses other companies to handle different aspects of the production, marketing, promotion and distribution as it does not own these facilities itself. Recently this is becoming a real struggle as there is so much more need for other aspects of production now that it is hard to manage all these different aspects without doing it with your own facilities. Multinational companies such as UMG are able to do all the sides of revenue themselves. This is a lot easier as less contact is needed etc.

- record sales including downloads
- broadcast income (payment from radio/TV broadcast)
- licensing to other labels
- secondary licensing-films/TV/adverts
- inter nation sales and licensing
success of groups such as Franz Ferdinand means Domino can invest in other, less popular artists.

The online revenue includes web 2.0, convergence and internet. This means the availability of illegal downloads, downloads, streaming sites, youtube etc. The debate is that the convergence of technology is ruining the music industry in terms of whether the artists that are getting signed are actually talented or not.
Independent labels such as Domino tend to care a lot more about music than money made from music, therefore you tend to see a lot of artists signed to them that you have not heard of before. This means they that do not make as much money as multinational labels such as UMG and therefore may not last much longer. This means that without the money to do so they cannot afford to give music away for free, not that this may even work because the artists they have are not very well known or popular. This is a problem because the amount of CDs being sold are increasing majorly so how else will they be able to see their music? Because the independent labels use the horizontal integrated structure this means that they will have to pay people to distribute and promote the music for them which would cost a huge amount of money.

I agree with this statement strongly. I feel that the independent labels will very much struggle with the technology convergence and online revolutions.

Useful quotes.
"the online revenue is shaking the foundations of the music industry."
"the internet meant that they didn't need a marketing machine."
"this technology is shaking the music industry to its core"
"the new comers often teach the establishment how it should be done."
"young people see downloading as part of their musical education."
"illegal downloading leaves a hole in the music revenue."
"the internet robs the record labels of control."

The 4 major record labels earn 80% of the profits.

An example of a band who became big without a record label.
Artic Monkeys used social network sites (such as myspace). Their friend uploaded their unfinished music for people to download for free. They then signed to a subsidiary label, Domino to realease their first albumn which became no1.

An example of an artists who used a record label to become famous and then decided to go independant.
Mick Hucknall from Simply Red used to be signed to a record label. This record label helped him to be advertised and promoted but then from the influence of new comers he desided to become independent.
Warner made £179 million profit.       <--- It could be that they need that profit to combat
Mick made £20 million proft.                     illegal downloading.

File sharers (pirates)
Sites such as Napster uploaded their CDs in millions for people to be able to download them for free. This progessed to 80million people sharing music.
Peer to peer sites decreased record labels profits from 40 billion to 30 billion.
20 thousand people have been sued for illegal downloading.

Monday 14 February 2011

Domino Records

1.      What differences do you notice between Domino and Universal in terms of artists and genres?
Domino Records are for more niche artists. They are more into their music than getting money. Many of their artists are not well known.
2.           a)  How would you describe Domino’s target audience(s)?
It is very much for artists who are not well known. I would say that the target audience is between 18 - 35. The artists seem fairly indie/rock.
b) How does the label address and appeal to its audience?
Domino records sell tickets and merchandise. This appeals to the audience as it gives them a chance to buy things that maybe they wouldn't be able to else where.
It allows you to listen and watch the music for free.

3        a) Have you heard of any artists on their roster? Which ones?
            The only artists I have heard of are Arctic Monkeys and Franz Ferdinand.
b) Why do you think a high profile artist might sign to Domino?
They may get more attention than the other bands as they are not well known. To gain wider publishing.

4. Find out about the Archie Bronson Outfit, a group signed to Domino. What strategies is the label using to promote and distribute their music?

5. How has convergence affected the label?
Because Domino is an independant label they allow artists to have more of their own freedom. This means that they do not receive as much money as major record labels therefore any sort of recession would affect the label. Technological convergence really does affect Domino as far more people are downloading music illegal - not paying any money at all rather than buying the CDs. This affects the money that Domino would receive.

Sunday 13 February 2011

Technological convergence in the music industry

converge - put together/combine

Technologies that have been converged:
I phone - telecommunications
            - email
            - GPS
            - music
            - video games
            - radio
            - TV
            - internet
            - camera

The boundaries between media forms are beginning to blur.

Audiences are no longer perceive media platforms as seperate, due to technological convergence.
e.g. the internet IS television and music for some consumers.

Web 2.0 - a way in which the internet has changed over the past 10 years
              - the ways in which consumers have become producers.
              - labels can promote and distribute music directly.
              - cheaper and easier to distribute music.

  • Narrows gaps between producers and audiences
  • Allows audience to access content instantly
  • Opens up opportunities for any artist to promote their work - record labels are no longer the only gate ways.
  • Offers free distribution - digital music does not need to be physically copied, packaged or transported.
  • Allows audience to steal music.

Summarise the ways in which technological convergence benefits and damages the music industry

Benefits to technological convergence
Technology has come a long way since say the 60s where people would play music on vinyl records and tape players. Since then the audience feels a lot closer to the artist than they did back then.

1. For instance artists now have bloggs. This allows them to post what they are doing in their social life so that we can all feel as if we know them as a friend of ours.

2. It is a lot easier now to download songs and without paying any money! This is a lot easier for the artist to distribute their music. This allows them to be heard more not just here but all over the world. Offers free distribution - digital music does not need to be physically copied, packaged or transported.

3. Youtube allows artists to post their music videos online. This is a way for the audience to listen and watch their songs for free, rather than waiting for the specific video to come on the TV. Depending how mainstream the artist is, sometimes they film themselves singing a cover of a song in a bedroom or something. This like any other professional video can be seen by anyone. When receiving lots of hits the artists becomes more well known and can receive a lot more offers from people.

4. Now a days you can buy tickets for gigs that are labelled 'meet and greet tickets'. This allows the audience to get a chance to actually meet the artitst! This is an opportunity to ask any questions that you would like etc.

5. Shows such as X factor and Britains Got Talent allows artists to get into the music industry the easy way. This allows anyone to be heard and quite a few get famous from it.

Disadvantages to technological convergence
1. The bloggs that the artists have, quite commonly aren't their own posts. The artists hire their own personal blogger. This is very misleading for the audience as they believe they are talking to the artist personally but they are not.

2. Yes it is a lot easier to download songs illegally but this means that both the artist and the record label aren't receiving as much money as they would from the purchase of CDs. CDs are becoming very unpopular now as they are being classed as expensive. This is compared to the free illegal downloads on the internet.

3. Artists are very much depending on youtube as their way of being heard. This makes it very hard for artists now as there is so much competition. There are so many people that use youtube now in a way of hoping to be heard that it makes it very hard for individuals to be seen.

4. There is a risk of unsocialable behaviour towards to artist.

5. There is a risk that some rubbish artists get threw and some very talented people are getting kicked back.

Thursday 10 February 2011

How UMG uses these subsidiaries (ISLAND and FASCINATION) to maximise success of specific genres.

ISLAND RECORDS - are a very unique subsidiary record label which is owned by UMG. It allows artists to be kept individual and unique and not just to be generalised into a big mainstream catagory. By being signed by island records it can be seen that the artists can be focused on more as there are less of them. This allows better promotional ideas. By being catorgarised into island records this specialises them into their genres, so they can get the most out of being in that label.
As you can see from this image Island records looks as if it is a relaxing website with chilled out music, hence the palm tree. It looks very retro with the old fashioned icons at the top such as the record, the old TV, stamp etc. This indicates that the music they focus on is different and retro too. This is a very informal site which gives me the impression that island records won't be focussing on classical music but that from N Dubz, Mumford and Sons, Devlin etc.

Fascination records is also a subsidiary owned by UMG. It is very different to Island records in that they both focus on different genres. Island being more unique, retro, and niche, fascination being more pop and I would say more mainstream. Notice the different style of websites in that island record was quite cluttered and less structured whereas this one is very plain with a sence of immaturity in that it has bright pink strips.

The advantages with using subsidiaries is that they can really concentrate on that specific genre and their needs as artists rather than having to cator for all genres. It opens all doors for the artist as they are more likey to have better publishing, events, etc.

Also the subsidaiaries can focus on one geographical area, getting the artist known very well there, but then to extend on this. They will have more knowledge about that specific area so they will know what people in that area want. If UMG did this themselves, because they are so widely spread they do not know what individuals want and could not specialise in one specific area.

By being a smaller record label they can focus more on putting gigs on for each of their artists. For example if they had one of their best artists headlining they could use one of the not so popular ones to support them, which is really benefitting everyone. They could use links to set up collaborations to start up a new artist by having them sing with an exsistng artist in their new track. Their songs could be shown on adverts to advertise their song, or on a TV series, or even film.