Friday 4 March 2011

Survey Monkey Questionnaire

In my survey I asked a number of questions which I thought would help me for revision for my exam.
I asked people aged between 10-50 in order to get a real difference in opinions.
This result shows a real mix in opinion. It shows that people care as much about ease of getting the music than they do cost. I can imagine that the younger generation chose ease, compared to the older generation probably choosing cost as the traditional way of receiving their music is by buying a CD.
 It is interesting to see that more people download songs of the internet illegally rather than legally. This proves that people are bothered about the cost of music. Is it that the younger generation know illegal downloading as part of their music education?
It has suprised me by the amount of people that buy the CD from the store. Again I can imagine that this is the older generation rather than the younger.
If you click on the picture below it will enlarge for you.
This is a ranking to show what people prefer listening to their music on. The top being ipod and the last beng a vinyl record. The vinyl record being mostly because of the unpracticality of it. This is what I expected, but the middle figures are quite inter
I didn't expect this sort of result for this question but the reason for it is because the majority of the people I asked are very fond of music and some work in the musical industry themselves. I personally feel that the younger generation are not interested in the record label that the atrists are signed too, just interested in the music. The older generation on the other hand may be more interested as it more traditional to know these facts about the artist, e.g. history, etc.
I like this question a lot, and I am very interested in the responce of it too. I agree with the majority of people who have answered this question that very little famous artists are actually talented. I feel that this is very much due to technology convergence and shows such as X factor. It is a lot easier now a days to become an artists compared to years back. This is because we have easy technology such as recording software, the internet to upload songs on etc. Therefore artists may become famous because they are awful and they have got millions of hits on youtube! I don't think this is correct.
 Do you agree with illegal downloading? Explain your answer.
In conclusion to these thoughts below it is obvious that the general public do not necessarily believe in illegal downloading but do not have anything against it because of the fortune that record labels and itunes make out of it. I agree with this. I think it is a shame that artists do not get the money for the downloads but I also feel that if they were a true artist they would not care about their financial profit and would just be making music for the true passion that they have or it, for example Joss Stone.

 What is your idea of a true musician? Name a person/band and explain why?

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